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Monday, September 24, 2012

Black Draught, makes you smile from the inside out!

What does one do when he/she is experiencing a draught with their sex life?  Some people buy a dildo, some buy gummy bears, while others take cold showers.  Not Moi, no sir, I decided to get a Colonoscopy!  That’s right my draught was so dry that I thought…why not?

I realized the only way to get to the “bottom” of this was to take it “head on!”

After a number of months constantly running to the throne I finally pushed my fears aside and decided that it was time to go see Dr. Feel Good again.  I should have known that something was not right the night of The Explosive Date, but no Moi just thought I was eating to much cabbage or something?

So I hobble on in to see Dr. Feel Good.  He puts me under and while he does so, I dream of wondrous things.  Of sugar plums and faeries, or was it chiseled bare chested nurses?  Not really sure, everything is a bit hairy…no pun intended!

As I start to awaken and as my beautiful blue eyes begin to flutter open, I realize that maybe it was not a dream after all, because sitting upright in the bed next to me was the most perfect man Moi has ever seen.  He had dark wavy hair, a killer smile, muscled and chiseled abs.  His arms were huge and bulging, as was his….legs, yeah that’s it, his legs!  As I tried to move in my bed and sit up as I starred at him and felt my face smile, and then I noticed water dripping and sliding down my chin.  He was still sitting there starring towards me, smiling and obviously happy to see me.  That’s when I heard the noise from behind me.  I turned my head to see what it was, to my surprise and shock, there stood a very sexy woman in a rather short and revealing nurse’s uniform.

It turns out that while Moi was sedated during the procedure that Brady and Tulips volunteered Moi to be in a commercial.  I guess all the crew needed was a sleeping bloated body that looked like road kill to complete their shoot.

It was a commercial called:  “Black Draught” makes you smile from the inside out!

Black Draught is a freakin’ laxative, as if Moi needs one of those!
Just remember, when you find yourself with a scope up your ass and down your throat, things will get better.  After all it could be worse, the scope could get lost up there!

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