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Thursday, August 12, 2010

In The Beginning...

Some people live a quiet existence, a few live a life of sadness, then there are those that live with exuberance and high drama. And every now and then you come across a person with the makings of a ***** rating full of suspense from the moment this person enters the world with blood and a cord(tell me what the hell is this umbilical cord all about?) screaming and maybe pissing and as they grow and age their life is filled with joy, pain, laughter, tears, gossip, ridicule, suffering, shorts stints of happiness, smiles, beauty inside and out, a big ass, small ass, man boobs and oh so much more.

In all the twists and turns of life one can only ask themselves “ why me, why am I here on this Earth? Why am I always walking through that hot place with all the flames and the scorched feet and the place where the undead roam…”Yes are right.. I mean Hell!” Well its not as bad as all that, I know I took a tour through it and while I was there, they loved me so much I have an open ticket to jump on the “The Hot As Hell Express” whenever I feel the need to visit. Can you say the same? I am sure a few of you can.

So you might be wondering who is this person? Who is this person? Is it a he or she and what gives them something to write about? Well I thought the exact thing. And you know when living through the situations, pain, laughter, tears and the shit I have…you learn a few things and you want to share your story. So let me begin. Brace yourself! Here it comes, I see it now coming around the naked Statue of David…you know the one with the big…feet!

And so begins… “The Misadventures of a Divine Man”


Anonymous said...

Ahh...just the beginning of the serious, the funny and ??? Awaiting much more..keep writing. i want to read more ..yes!

Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

Loving the blog so far, leaves me waiting in suspense to read more. I love how you write!