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Monday, September 24, 2012

Black Draught, makes you smile from the inside out!

What does one do when he/she is experiencing a draught with their sex life?  Some people buy a dildo, some buy gummy bears, while others take cold showers.  Not Moi, no sir, I decided to get a Colonoscopy!  That’s right my draught was so dry that I thought…why not?

I realized the only way to get to the “bottom” of this was to take it “head on!”

After a number of months constantly running to the throne I finally pushed my fears aside and decided that it was time to go see Dr. Feel Good again.  I should have known that something was not right the night of The Explosive Date, but no Moi just thought I was eating to much cabbage or something?

So I hobble on in to see Dr. Feel Good.  He puts me under and while he does so, I dream of wondrous things.  Of sugar plums and faeries, or was it chiseled bare chested nurses?  Not really sure, everything is a bit hairy…no pun intended!

As I start to awaken and as my beautiful blue eyes begin to flutter open, I realize that maybe it was not a dream after all, because sitting upright in the bed next to me was the most perfect man Moi has ever seen.  He had dark wavy hair, a killer smile, muscled and chiseled abs.  His arms were huge and bulging, as was his….legs, yeah that’s it, his legs!  As I tried to move in my bed and sit up as I starred at him and felt my face smile, and then I noticed water dripping and sliding down my chin.  He was still sitting there starring towards me, smiling and obviously happy to see me.  That’s when I heard the noise from behind me.  I turned my head to see what it was, to my surprise and shock, there stood a very sexy woman in a rather short and revealing nurse’s uniform.

It turns out that while Moi was sedated during the procedure that Brady and Tulips volunteered Moi to be in a commercial.  I guess all the crew needed was a sleeping bloated body that looked like road kill to complete their shoot.

It was a commercial called:  “Black Draught” makes you smile from the inside out!

Black Draught is a freakin’ laxative, as if Moi needs one of those!
Just remember, when you find yourself with a scope up your ass and down your throat, things will get better.  After all it could be worse, the scope could get lost up there!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dating And Being Single!

I have straight friends and I have Gay/Lesbian friends.  Most of my friends are married, dating someone, partnered and then there are a few that mingle single.

Recently one of my mingle single friends asked me if I thought the dating world was the same for straight people?  So I got thinking...

I have seen and held many of my straight pals hands while they date, mingle single, breakup, marry, date, breakup, marry, etc...

Also I have held many hands, purses, feather boas, and hair up while my Gay/Lesbian pals date, 
mingle single,breakup, marry, date, breakup, marry, etc...
So really dating is the same, regardless of your sexual preference.

My brother and his wife dated, brokeup, disliked each other, screwed around, had an STD, dated each other, brokeup and got pregnant.  Then they got married and now have 3 boys.  They have their share of ups and downs.

As for one of my Gay friends, he and his BF have been "together" for 20 years.  They live together, yet sleep in seperate beds, share finances, bills, etc... they have had their disagreements, ups and downs and are still together.  Which this tale needs to be shared at another time.

My point is, dating and being single is rather the same for everyone, the rules really are not all that different.  Every person and every couple experience pain, love, and everything in between.

Go forth, date, love, hurt, laugh and cry!