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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Do You Make Love Outlast The Passion?

How do you make love outlast the passion? Does the heart just need steering?

Divine Man is finally going to (try to)truly open up about this very topic.

“Picture It” it is a lovely spring day, the year is 1998 and Moi is starting my Spring Break. We met after many weeks online, emailing and talking on the phone. At first Moi thought…”cool a penpal of sorts/phone friend” but unbeknownst to Moi 13 years later after all the starts and stops, we keep coming back to these 2 hearts. We have had a very romantic, complicated, hurtful, disbelieving, trusting with your life, full of twists and turns, lies, friendship and a love that will never die.

Think of such romances as: The Phantom Of The Opera, Cinderella, Pretty Woman, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The Indecent Proposal and Cybil all wrapped up into One…oh and Titanic! That is how I would describe our relationship.

Now, Moi is practically perfect in every way, kind of like Mary Poppins, hell we even have the same umbrella! Seriously though, you may ask “how do you keep the love alive even after the passion is faded or gone?”

We have had bitter ugly “divorces” and yet we always seem to find our way back together. I always get Diva Girl, the car, and all the furnishings. Never any alimony, but hell it could be worse. In Moi’s experience make- up sex is wonderful. You should never end a day resenting each other.

What has been a significant tool to our friendship/relationship has been that we allow change, growth, adventures and always knowing that we have each others back(and why not, mine is perfectly shaped) supporting each other dreams, goals, and what we each value. People have to be open to change, and grow together in it. It can be scary and rough, and it also can be very exciting. Love grows, it develops, and it deepens if you let it. So you don’t have the passionate kisses you once had when you first met. But what you do have now is a solid and strong never ending love. What is love really? Is it a one niter? A week, a month long love affair? Is it something 2 people share naked? No. It is so much more then those things, it is knowing each others’ strengths and weaknesses and still loving beyond them.

If Moi had one wish to make that would come true for others, it would be to help others understand what love is. And how to tend to it, nurture it, harvest it, and embody it with your heart, the very center of your being.

Make a divine connection, and shine together even after the flame is out!

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