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Thursday, August 26, 2010

No Dog Here!

Why do people think that when they see you, they get this urge, this idea that they should pat you on the head, as if I….Divine Man is a dog, a mutt just waiting for someone to fondle my head…not going there!

Anyways, the last time I went to the beauty parlor…OMG did I just use that term? I did, sounds kinda high end ehh? So I went to get my hair did and my hair mistress gave me a new design upon my lovely gorgeous head. She styled it, and sent me on my way looking …well….Divine!

So as I am waiting out by the curb for my “date” to come and gather me up and whisk me away for an evening of total and complete romance(truth be told it was a Brat BBQ-a BIG one!) my “date” arrives and immediately has to pat me on the frickin’ head! In this moment I am thinking “I have been a good boy, do I get my bone?” I gave the look of daggers and death! “oh no you did not just do that” Divine Man spent money on this new do!

Just today I walked my divine self into the …..yes that is right! The beauty parlor for a sprucing up! My hair mistress “Minnie” is overjoyed to see me but of course! I say “ Minnie give me something sexy and shorter, and wax my caterpillars for me dear!”

So Minnie does her thing and in 30 minutes later I am even more divine then when I walked in, if that’s even possible? So I decided to cancel the next 5 dates in fear of being patted like a dog on the head! I mean come on, if am not going to get a bone, jewelry, or a blank check don’t “pat” my luscious brown locks!

As I sit here wearing my white Jackie o’s, red boa, and my cut off blue paint splattered joggers and my lovely red wife beater t-top I ponder many thoughts…

Oh, which I will share with you in next episode of “The Misadventures of a Divine Man”

And remember…”Go Out And Find Your Own Divine Self”


Anonymous said...

You certainly are more lovely, and Divine than just getting a pat on your beautiful, gorgeous head of hair...absolutely "No Dog Here". Keep the great humor coming...

Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

Loving the blog, you always make me laugh!