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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Jesus Has Left The Building

Like any good story or movie, there is always plot twists, cliffhangers, roller coasters filled with emotions, and unanswered questions…

Perhaps it was because of my insecurities with relations of a personal nature? It’s funny really, because I can trust someone with my life, but not with my heart?

I was beginning to realize quickly on that Jesus …. well let’s just say this: he did not walk on water. It was more like he walked in vodka. 
I noticed more and more that he seemed to look for any excuse to have a libation.  For example: a hang nail, having to vacuum his 12 X 12 studio apartment, comb his shaved bald head, and many others…

Now Moi here, enjoys libations as well, but normally not until happy hour. 

With most things, there is always a price.  There is always the good with the not so good.
As fun as Jesus was at times to hang out with, he was also a tad controlling.  He came from a failed marriage, which had not yet been resolved, a job that would soon be over, and he would be without employment, no real place to call home, an 11 yr old daughter who is going on 17, and an arrogance that would rear its ugly head in the form of sentences which were unwarranted. 

As likeable and charming as he could be, he also made it easy to despise him as well.  I guess you could say it was a love/hate kind of relation.  I’ve always felt that 2 people, whether it be a friendship or relationship of any stature should bring out the best in each other, not the worst as well. 

I made a decision that would affect us both.  I gave him his reason to leave, the push he needed to remove himself.  He very much needs to find himself, find his own happiness, a place he can call home, and sometimes that place is home. 

As I reflect back on my time spent with Jesus, I can say this:  I learned things about myself, how to reconnect with my own inner emotions, communicate better, know that when my “gut” speaks to me, I need to listen.  Since my coma, everything is odd, different and yet still the same.  Perhaps it’s not everything else, perhaps I have changed? Perhaps I no longer need things or people to make me happy, perhaps I just need to be happy? 

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