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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So what does Love really have to do with it?

So what does love really have to do with it?  Is love really worth all the pain, sadness, loss, confusion and heart wrenching situations really worth it all?  Oh sure there are moments of happiness, maybe weeks, months and the first few years of a relationship that seem flawless.  They can even seem eternal bliss until one day you turn on the computer that you are your beloved share and what is staring you in the face is his email account…wide open for all to see.  As you sit there pondering…do I or do I not look?  He loves me, he loves me not?  After all you bought the dam thing to begin with, so you feel justified.  But you sit there and ponder more…biting your lips, picking your nose, scratching your ass…

Finally you decide to just take a quick look and see what he has been up too. 

As you are moving the mouser across the screen, you look at your engagement/commitment ring as it sparkles brightly up at you…and you think to yourself “there is nothing incriminating to find, what am I worried about?” but you keep looking.  And just when you think there is nothing to find, your eyes are wide open as you read the subject line: I can’t wait to meet you sexy.

As your heart begins to beat faster and faster, your head starts pounding, your fingers are now shaking like French fries on a platter during an earthquake…you open the email and read it.  It reads: I am so excited that we are going to meet, I will be at the club called “Black Diamond” at 7:00pm on Thursday evening.  I will be wearing tight black pants, a short sleeved tight black shirt and waiting at the bar for you.  Here is my phone number:  000-000-0000  call me anytime today!  I can’t wait to hear your voice!

Thinking of you,

Young Lover

As my eyes are reading this in disbelief I scroll down to see my man’s reply.

He writes to “Young Lover” the following…

It was so great to talk with you yesterday and it was even better hearing your sweet, sexy young voice!  I can not wait until we meet and hopefully…well who knows what will come of it?

I am now crying, feeling like my world has just been blown apart. As if my heart has been ripped out of my chest.  What is wrong with me?  Why does he not love me anymore?   What did I do wrong?  I am going to kill him!  I hate him!  He is going to pay for this! 

All these raw emotions are flooding my mind and my shattered heart.  So while under the influence of heart ache I call him at work…he is in the middle of a board meeting and he answers the call…hey honey, I am in a meeting, can I call you back?  And I reply with…ummm well actually I have something I would like to share with everyone(as they all know me)…can you put me on speaker phone?  He replies with, well sure I guess so.
So I start with saying hi to everyone!  And then ask him who “Young Lover” is and what makes his voice sexier then my own?  And that he can pack his dam bags and get the fuck out!  In fact I will help you pack.  In fact everything will be in the garbage like trash should be, which is exactly where you belong!  Everyone, have a lovely afternoon, and just know that your boss here is a male whore!  An OLD male Whore, but a whore all the same!

So I ask you, what does love really have to do with it?  If this had happened to Moi I would have printed out the emails, and kept them for the perfect moment when they would be of most use.  And in the meantime I would have held my tongue and made sure he knew how much I loved him, made sure I got anything I wanted, and then made copies of all the emails and mailed them to all his employees, his family, his friends, and then I would have kicked his ass to the curb…into the gutter!

You are a divine creature, and do not, DO NOT ever let anyone make you feel less then that!

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