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Thursday, March 15, 2012

An EBT Card, Fire Starters and 2 Teeth!

There I was, standing the checkout line at the grocery store when a man’s voice from behind started, as I turned around I realized he was talking to Moi… he asked if I could give him my $20.00 bill I held in my hands in exchange for the use of his shiny new EBT card. I looked at him for a second and replied with…no, as my nostrils began to take in the odor that seemed to permeate from his clothing. His clothes and breath reeked of cigarettes and booze. He began to tell me he had a sick girlfriend and baby. So I asked him “if your EBT card had money on it, then why would you need my cold hard cash?” He did not answer. Then began to get vulgar with me as if HIS issues were my fault. The cashier and bagger stood there, said and did nothing to help contain this situation.

I left the store minding my own business and went to the car. As I put the bags into the back seat and closed the door I then looked up and saw the vulgar man standing there. He again started yelling at Moi for not helping him. When he finally stopped his tantrum fit, I looked him in the eye and simply told him “perhaps you should look in the mirror at yourself for about 7 days straight, without smoking…because maybe then you will have the money you need for more important things like getting your girlfriend and baby the proper medical attention…if they even are really sick? Tell me, do I look like I was born yesterday? And with that I got in the car and left.

As I was driving along I notice a woman standing against a wall and in one hand she was holding up a sign that read “Please Help-Need Money, My house burned down!” and in the other hand she was holding onto a lit cigarette! Really, really? All I could think was “did the cigarette burn it down, she might want to stop that habit, or maybe not be smoking while trying to get free money for her burned down house” I had to giggle at the contradiction of the scene before me.

Soon after that I went into a bagel shop for some fresh lox and bagels. I approached the counter and saw a skinny attractive looking(until she opened her mouth) female clerk. She began to smile and ask if I needed anything. I noticed she only had 2 teeth, and then she wiped her nose with her bare hands. I decided it might be safer if I just left. I guess I now know why she was so thin…because she could not eat the bagels with only 2 teeth.

I can see it now…tomorrow’s bagel of the day…Boogie filled Bagels!

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