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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What Is Your Purpose?

Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? Is it divine? Is it solitude? Is it helping others? Screwing people, lying, being an inspiration, entertaining the masses, or just living a quiet and simple life?

Moi has had a life full of drama, sadness, despair, happy moments, great love, turmoil, betrayal, laughter and death.

Have you really truly ever sat and looked into a mirror, or peered out the window at an open void pondering “What is my Divine Purpose?” “Am I deluding myself? Am I really something special? A person of great worth? Or am I just a nothing?

The great love I have experienced has come from my Mother Tulips, my Grams, Mother Rose, Brady, my Diva Girl, and even Big Daddy(in his ruff way) and my dearest friends.

Does one ever truly know their purpose?

Moi has always believed that Moi was destined for something great. Something special, big, and real. When Moi was a young child I was interviewed by the local paper and was asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Moi replied with: An actor in a Disney movie!

Well sadly, that has yet to happen. But since then I have had many dreams. Goals that I have met, and more I have yet to conquer.

I just one thing to say: “Chelsey Handler, Oprah, The View, Ellen, David and Jay….Oh and that orange haired guy Conan…..COME AND GET MOI!
Just know this, your life, IS your destiny! And only you can make it reality, unless you are Snookie with the big Ass! Or Kim, or Paris, or Lindsay Lo-ho-han…

Regardless of who you are, get out there and be your own divine self!

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