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Monday, July 2, 2012

Talk About Your Quickie!

When there is a spark, instant chemistry between 2 people and you mistakenly think that an evening of wild sexual erotica is the basis for  a happy and long marriage…well chances are you are wrong!

I recently took on a side gig doing flowers for a wedding.  I am not really sure why these two people were entering into a lifelong commitment exactly?  The wedding was all planned in a matter of 3 weeks.  Talk about your quickie!  Whew!  So I went to the wedding site with all the fresh floral arrangements.  The Bride and Groom emerged looking hung-over, and all she could say was…”how pretty” “Oh it looks soooo pretty!”  I do not think she knew any other vocabulary.  He(the Groom) was smoking and enjoying a glass of beer at 10am.

The father of the Bride was outside in his garage enjoying a home made and rolled joint!  This all added to the ambiance to the backyard wedding!  I was instructed to cover the chairs with white chair covers, they were VERY wrinkled.  As I was doing this, I stepped in dog poop!  This was the breaking point for me.  Between the joint in the garage, the hung-over couple, the wrinkled lines, the dog poop and the food fit for a cookout….well I left!   I later learned that the wedding party ended at 8:45pm so that they could go bar hopping.

The lesson I have learned and want to share with you is:  if you want a quickie, that is fine, but do not turn it into a marriage.  Because before the pregnancy test can be read, the marriage will be over.

Take you time when you meet another person, date, talk, court him/her.  Go out and explore life together, enjoy the romance and make sure not to step in dog poop along the way!

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