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Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Power of the Rosary And The Handsome Client!

“Picture It” A mildly warm winter day in paradise, the sun is shining, the breeze is lingering from the bay, and I am at work!  Which is why I have not wrote any “misadventures” as of late.  I am busy creating and designing floral masterpieces!  

(On a side note, my girlfriend MiMi sent me an email that she received from another person this week, it was a rosary prayer(she prays the rosary each morning over cigs and coffee) and it instructed me to recite the prayer and then ask the “rosary” a favor or for help.  So, Moi asked it:  Please let someone discover me, my phenomenal talent and help me rise to power, and success.  If I send it on to 6 others, within 4 days I will know the power of the rosary) 

Anywho, Moi is at work, looking kinda ruff, as it is my last day for the week.  So naturally as I was getting ready Friday morning, I thought “ummmm, I am not shaving today, and my hair is too long, so I am not doing much with it” and left the house, thankfully though I was wearing my “skinny ass jeans” and a black polo, unbuttoned.  

So there I am at my design counter, with one of the Managers talking about ? What I do not even remember, when I hear a man’s voice say:  Can you tell me who made the OZ piece in the front window?  I looked up and over to my left to see a very, very handsome man standing there.  He smiled as he asked me again, I replied with:  Why Sir, I designed it…You like it, I can tell.  Which means you need to buy it, as it is a very limited edition piece.  
He proceeded to tell me how exceptional my designs are.  Then the Manager chimed in and made the whole conversation all about her.  That’s right folks, all about her!  Can you imagine, someone doing that to Moi?  Nor can I, but she did.  Which as I watched the man watching me, trying not to listen to her, he eventually cut her off and said good-bye.  

She walked off then, and within 5-10 minutes later the man was back.  He was wearing black slacks, red and black socks, Spectators(black/white gangster shoes) a red sweater, and a black pea coat.  His features were dark, his hair was salt & pepper, his chest was solid and his lips were full, his goatee was well trimmed, and his eyes were intense as they looked at Moi.  He asked me about my designs, and continued to flatter me.  

I noticed we was slowly making himself closer to me, inch by inch.  Until we were rather close and he then presented me with a business card.  On the back of it was his direct line, and he told me almost in a whisper:  Be wise and call me!  He owns a prestigious event/design firm.  

I leaned into him and asked him: when would you like me to call you exactly?  He replied with… 8pm tonight.

I can’t say just yet what was discussed on the phone, but I can say this, I am not even Catholic, however I am going to buy me a whole case of rosaries!

Holy Shit!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Go Divine Man!!!!