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Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Coma-Chapter 1

As I lay here with all the time in the world to think, ponder my thoughts, my feelings of what Brady has shared with me while laying here helpless.  I am still in shock, I am hurt, extremely angry that he sent his identical twin brother, Bryce to meet me that very first weekend!  I have felt used and thrown away like trash but this trumps all of that.  I feel dirty and betrayed.  I was a whore and I did not even know it. 

So I ask myself over and over again, why?  Why would he lie about having a twin brother? Did I mention an identical twin brother?  I just cannot wrap my mind around his motive for doing such a despicable thing to me? To anyone? And if he could lie to me about that- then what else is he lying to me about?

My thoughts are disrupted by my Mother and Father, and what sounds like a number of people. 
One by one each of my dear friends come to my bedside and sit down and touch my face, my hair, hold my hands.  Tell me why is it even in a coma people think I want them to touch my hair?  As if!


First my dear sweet friend Jolene aka The Glam Clam!  Wow how sweet of her to fly in from the Midwest to Paradise to come see me! 

Next is my dear funny and ever loving free spirited gal pal MiMi!  And her crazy Sister, but in a good kind of crazy way….Constance.

Third in line is my favorite costume tailor and sexy ex Lionel aka La Riv and his super sexy wifey who is always full of smiles and kisses for Moi!  

Next is my friend Maryanne.  Now Maryanne is very sweet, has a very big heart, a soft spot for yours truly, yet she always seems to cry when she is around me, just like she is again.  Now I understand why she cries when with me, I mean who wouldn’t….I mean just the thought of being in my company is enough to make you cry! 

I wonder who else they brought.  Did they rent a private jet or a bus? 

They all decide to take shifts sitting with me, hoping and praying that I would open my baby blues.

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