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Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Tulips: One Hell Of A Lady!

How much do you love and worship your Mother?
Divine Man does more then anyone knows. Tulips is not just my Mother, she is the one, the one and only person that wanted me. She experienced great loss in hopes of conceiving and they eventually adopted. He was their gift.

A few years later Tulips walked into a family party and the first scent of Pizza, and she ran into the bathroom. After experiencing morning sickness, she emerged…And as she approached Big Daddy, she said “I am pregnant.”

Eight months later Divine Man was born. The Miracle child.

I was born with yellow jawness, and my mother, my champion would not leave the hospital until they let me leave with her. So even then, from the beginning Tulips was my protector.

My mother Tulips and I have had our fare share of laughs, disagreements, growing pains, and more laughs…
One afternoon Tulips and I walked up to the local Hardee’s drive thru, and we were laughing hysterically at the thought of this. We got to the window on foot and ordered, in between laughs…

My mother Tulips, she is the MOST amazing woman that I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
She is the one person that always comes running when I have a nightmare.  Tulips and I have the same exact eyes, and we have a strong connection, that we both can feel even when we are thousands of miles apart.  We know when the other is in pain.  She has always believed in me, my dreams and my hopes.

Tulips is a saint in my eyes, and in the eyes of so many others.  She is my beacon of light, because of her strength and her love I always know where home is.

She WAS the PTO in grade school, she was the greatest of all mothers, and still is.

Mom, do you remember the day that I dressed up as you? And then you dressed up as me in my Hocus Pocus costume? Remember the day we discovered the pictures of each of us as kids and we looked identical?

Remember the first time I said “I Love You Mommy?”

We have had so many wonderful and yet trying moments, but Moi would never change anything. If I could take you away from all the negativity in life I would. We could sit together on the beach in paradise. We would laugh, gossip, look at the eye candy, and enjoy fruity drinks with umbrellas in them.
Happy Birthday Tulips!

I love you with all my heart,

Divine Man

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes one fine woman and mother! Well written. One could not ask for a better mother. For she is it!!