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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Best Of The Best: My Grams(Mother Rose)

Friendship. What is it really? What does it mean to you? What is Friendship?
Moi has had a lot of friendships throughout the years. Some have come into my life for a lifetime. While others breezed in and then breezed out just as fast as they could. Like what Dorothy says while in Munchkin Land: “My, My, People come and go so quickly here” or like the famous friendship in the movie “Beaches” that touched hearts the world over.

Moi has always had 3 true friendships. Above all that has happened in Moi’s life, regardless how many times I tried to push them each away, regardless of the depth of pain Moi has endured, or even when I could not help myself and wanted to take that leap off the edge into the darkness. It was at those moments, each of those moments I knew that someone was there.

Moi wants to tell you about one person that has a great impact on my life. That is my Grams. My Grams, also known as Mother Rose was a simple woman that gave Moi 2 incredible gifts. One being my Mother Tulips, and the second being my “special gift” to help people, alive or dead to shine, walk their chosen path, to create a sense of inspiration, hope and humor in times of turmoil and sadness. You see like all lines, they have to start somewhere, don’t they?

Grams is/was the matriarch of our family. She passed away 4 years ago.

I want to share with you a few things she taught me, and still does: Since I can remember she taught me to be me, myself, who I am regardless of what others thought about me. She always said to Moi “Just be yourself, smile, smile always and let forgive and forget.” I have to say that whenever I saw her and I was not smiling the first thing she would say to me was “smile….ok that’s better, I just love seeing you smile” and then she would ask me: “tell me what’s wrong, what has you so sad?”

I would sit for hours at times listening to her life stories, her pains, her happiness, joys, heartbreak and lessons that she learned along her path. She always made sense.

Then there were the times she would be silly and tell me things like: When you are on the toilet, never ever squeeze, the pressure is bad for your heart. Or like when we went to the movie theater to see Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves and she was all giddy when we saw Robin’s naked booty. I mean I got to say it made Moi a bit giddy as well. Then there was the time when I was in 7th Grade and Grams took my brother and Moi to get our ear pierced. She was a hip lady.

I remember she asked me once when I was in my 20’s who had my heart. Who did I want to spend my life with? I asked her how does one know that? She told me that I would know that by the following: Who do you call or want to speak to when you have positive news to share, or when you have pain or sadness. Who makes you happy, sad, who turns your world upside down, who drives you crazy and inspires. She told me that when I can answer each of these questions I would know who.

She also told me to never ever give up. Fight the war, survive the battle, and reap the rewards.

Mother Rose, my Grams is a beautiful woman inside and out. I have so many fond memories of her. Of our time together, even today I can feel her with me, next to me. She is my guide, my star that directs me to safety. She is missed dearly. There were times when we did not agree, we had our tough moments, but she always loved me unconditionally. God, how I miss her. She was a pain in the booty at times, but I would give anything, anything to have her tell me: SMILE!

Not even death can break a bond, or a connection. Love is eternal, Love is forever. 

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