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Friday, May 6, 2011

The Comb Over To The Rescue!

The Moon is glowing as the shadows of the night are gathering to sing their dark siren. As I walk along in my black trench coat and fedora complete with a red ostrich feather, I walk quietly against the shadows and the cement walls under the overpass. Constantly looking all around and turning over my shoulder to make sure no one is following me. My breathing is getting faster and faster as is the beat of my heart. The goose bumps are forming up and down my back, arms and thighs.

As I walk along a fog starts to cautiously smolder all around me, almost engulfing me like flies surrounding a pile of horse crap in a sunny pasture. Just then I hear footsteps and as I turn to look they suddenly stop. My knees are shaking but I know it must be my imagination, and I need to remain calm. I need to keep it together if I am going to complete my mission. My mission to get the truth and expose “The Family” and all it’s dark dirty secrets.

I cling to my cell phone and voice recorder I make haste and make my way to the employee entrance of what is only a façade for “The Family Business” and just as I go to turn the knob and open the door, there are arms grabbing at me from behind and shoving a cloth in my face. As the strong odor fills my nostrils I begin to fill dizzy and all goes black.

Slowly my eyes begin to flutter as I gasp for air and adjust to the lighting in the space I am in. I feel dizzy and start to realize that I am on a chaise lounge of some sort. It is soft to the touch, a crushed velvet I think. But before I can get up I feel the weight of a man on my chest and his lips are pressing up against mine. The pressure of his heat is burning rapidly as he continues to kiss me. His strong arms are all around me as I try to fend him off. I quickly move my left arm up to his head and begin to pull his hair, or actually his “comb over!” OMG he has a comb over! Thoughts are racing in my mind. Who is this man? And then it hits me like a brick falling on my head from a plane. Hint: comb over, man kissing wildly, wearing only a bath robe with a button on his collar that reads: Big D 4 President!

Big D lifts me off the chaise lounge and hurries me to a door and tells me to run to the payphone on the corner and wait for it to ring. He will tell me all I need to know and where to meet him. As I run out of the building into the darkness I hear those famous words echoing from behind “You’re Fired!” but I do not stop, I run, run for my life to reach the phone booth. I get the phone and wait what seems like for hours. 20 minutes pass and then the phone rings. And that’s when I wake up. Dam Dam Dam! Why does that always happen at the crucial point of the dream?

And what does this dream mean?

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