My Blog List

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Life, Death and Irritability

Recently Moi has been living life one day at a time, which normally I live many days at time, always thinking about the future.  Well lately I have been biting my nails, drinking wine out of a box(more then one box) ruining my eye makeup all because Doctor Feelgood recently put this idea into my brain that Moi possible could have Cancer of the Liver, or a tumor, or a blood disease?  Today there is no punch line in this one.  Today I have a clear head.

When you are faced with something so scary, the unknown and you have to wait and wait to find out your fate, or if you are accepted into the college of your dreams, or it you won a prize, or whatever it might be that you hold tight to your heart, well something like this can make you insane.  Moi has spent the last 2 weeks seeing Dr. FG, having blood taken(which seemed like a gallon) tests being performed, x-rays, ultra-sounds, and more.  Through this experience I did not share with anyone what I was feeling, experiencing, or even what might happen to Moi.  Instead of sharing with the people who love me, care about me, family and friends, I retreated in haste and pushed them all away. I became irritable, crabby, I felt all alone and the idea of time running out for Moi was just to much.

So I would like to express to the following people in my life a sincere apology.

Tulips:  I am so very grateful to you, for your support, your love, but mostly for your strength.
Brady:  Even though you are hundreds of thousands of miles away from me, I felt your love and your spirit next to me. 

MiMi:  Thank you for allowing me to let out my fear and my tears without judgment.  Thank you for being my friend.

No body is perfect, as shoking as this will sound, even Moi is not perfect!  Every one of us has flaws, and we all have room for growth, and enhancement.

A lesson to be learned, never think that for one minute you are alone, because no one ever truly is.  Even at your darkest hour, if you open your eyes you will see that someone is there willing to hold your hand.

Moi has learned that instead of pushing people away, I need to reel them in, otherwise who will give me presents?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Blonde Ambition

Have you ever done something that made yourself feel so alive, only to have some asshole try and dampen what you did?

First of all I want to apologize for my lack of words recently.

Anyways, Moi was a true brunette for many, many years to being a radiant shiny blonde! Once the transformation was completed, hair, clothing, black rimmed glasses and all one by one past clients, old friends, family members, and my fans have all offered such wonderful greetings to Moi. Such as, “you look 10-20 years younger, you look angelic, your blue eyes pop! You are a California god, you look radiant!

After the many different and wonderfully flattering compliments from the many people that love me, like me and worship me, well there is always that one a-hole that thinks that being rude is acceptable.
“Picture It” it is a lovely summer evening, Moi is laying outside enjoying the water, reading fan mail, and sipping on a glass of vino while having my delicate tootsie’s massaged my phone beeps! As I open it up with delight and anticipation of what the text message will say…

A little background story first, Moi texted a picture of my new “look” and the following words: “Don’t you just love my new look?” and was answered with flattering words. However this one person, who of which I felt was a friend, replied to me days later with the words: Not Really.

I was confused and asked what he was referring to? He said…about your blonde locks, I do not like it.
Moi just wants this a-hole to know…I was not asking for yours or anyone’s approval, permission, or acceptance. In fact I was just so excited, elated that I am making this change, re-inventing myself, and letting myself shine!

The a-hole’s name in case anyone wants to know is: Hint: Barbie’s other half. He is a chubby man, bald, wears glasses and always wears black jeans with striped shirts and hiking boots. What Moi would like to know is why some people feel the need to be rude and disrespectful when I have only ever been a friend, and have helped, offered words of support and my time to this a-hole. If I were willing to sink to his level, it would imply that Moi is a miserable person with nothing better to do then share my jealousy with people who are my friends, in order to make them feel as sad as I am. But alas, Moi is none of those things, unlike HIM.

Guess there is always a rotten apple in every basket!  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

3 Martini's And The World's Largest Weiner...

Remember Dr. Feelgood? Moi’s personal Doc that always has something crazy to tell Moi about my body?

Like the time I had the 3 nuts, the 3rd tata forming on my chest? And the 22 Hemorrhoids?

Recently I experienced the sudden urge to empty my bladder, but it would not stop. I mean as soon as I would finish it would start again, and again, and again! Poor guy was all pissed out, or so one would have thought! But no! So Moi thought about it and decided that there must be something wrong? And so I went to see my Doc and told him of my symptoms, he replied with “Divine Man, you need to drop your pants and cough” naturally I did so(I must say it was kind of erotic-nothing better then the feel of cold latex against your skin) and all was good. Next he instructed me to bend over to check my tonsils(HAHA) which was all in perfect shape! I mean what did he think he was going to find up there? A family of mice?

After a few other tests, and blood was taken Moi was called into the Doc’s office. Before me on his desk, were 3 Martini’s. The first one was called: The Full Moon, it was a dark blue color with a pearl onion on a stick. The next one was called: The Pap Smear and was red at the bottom with a yellow cherry and the color became clear as it got to the rim of the glass. The third one was called: The Colonpolitan and was a lovely shade of vibrant pink!

Moi asked Dr. Feelgood what the reason was for all these Martini’s? He told Moi that the only way to determine what was wrong with me was if I drank each one, and if my water stream came out orange while making double arches in mid air the we would know what was wrong. It would either be my colon, my “friend” or my hemorrhoids.

Well after downing each martini we were both baffled by what we discovered. None of them turned my water stream orange. But I sure did have a good buzz going! It turns out that my bladder had been shaken, stirred and mixed up from my recent long 2.5 day limo ride to attend the “World’s Largest Weiner Fest.” Or maybe it was the consumption of the very BIG Weiner that Moi so delightfully enjoyed chewing on, with all it’s juices flowing, streaking down my chin and plopping onto my perky tata’s!

Remember, you are Divine, even when you can’t leave the throne! Just know this: No Weiner is worth it, unless it is golden!!! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Single Person's Guide to Surviving As A Free Agent!

Are you a single person? And what do you think of it?

Being single is sometimes by choice, and then it is sometimes just the way it is. Like for example Moi is single, divine, devastatingly beautiful, sinful, perfect, the kind of person men and women only dream about. Oh as must not forget intelligent, has the body of a god, the kind of hands and mouth that haunts your wildest dreams. Did I say Divine?

Anywho being single is not it is all cracked up to be. Most people(including married ones) think that single is the new married. Alot of people think that being single is all supreme. In a number of ways it is, such as: no one can tell you what to do, or not do. If you are a guy and urinate in the toilet you can leave the seat up. Or if you are female and “your friend” visits and all you feel like doing is screaming and eating, you can without guilt. If you are a gay male being single can be fun to go and do whoever you want whenever you want, or dressing fabulous(unless you are a redneck gay male), or falling in love with your sisters’ BF which can be sticky, or when you are in a dressing room trying out sexy clothes and your friends all tell you “oh honnie, you look fab!” when really your ass looks rather large. No wait, I know, when you are a single creature and you are sitting alone in the john and wonder “my shit don’t stink! why am I single?”

All of us single folk know the reality of the “single life” and what it truly is like.

Being single is just as hard as being married. But on different levels. For example: people, like parents and friends always assume you are free with nothing to do other then baby-sit for them. Watch their dogs, entertain their friends, enjoy being setup on blind dates, look forward to going to buffets, talking on the phone for hours and hours, and my personal favorite: well you having nothing g better to do, you need to come grocery shopping with your Mom and Dad on a Friday night!

Everyone just assumes being single is great! Well the truth is a bit disturbing. Stay tuned for more on “The Single Person’s Guide To Surviving Life As A Free Agent!”

Are you single? Please share your stories with Moi.

Email Moi at:

Demons Of Our Past

Moi has a friend that is living a life full of demons, demons that are slowly eating at her, sucking everything out of her soul, heart and mind. Everything that was once vibrant, sharp, beautiful and dynamic. She has turned to beer(a lot of it) to numb the pain, the sorrow, the loneliness, and to try and escape the demons that continue to haunt her.

Moi has faced a lot of pain in my life, and sorrow, more then anyone should ever have to endure. Somehow I have gotten through it? I got through it all because I looked into myself and found the strength I needed. They say what hurts us, makes us stronger. Underneath pain is strength.

I realized today that Moi’s friend has not found her own strength, she is tired, exhausted from the fight. She has turned to drinking and does not know anything else right now. She was raped and beaten as a child by a step-father. Eventually she got married to a man that was verbally abusive and divorced him shortly after having a girl. Since then she has dated loser after loser. This has kept her from flourishing into a happy and healthy individual.

Speaking as a survivor of molestation as a child, having my life ripped apart without my consent, being betrayed deeply in relationships, which all manifested into depression and almost took my life. However, I was not ready to give up, to give into the despair of the darkness. I have to much to do, and I truly feel my friend does as well.
If you or someone you know and love is hurting, struggling or battling demons of the past…reach out to that person. Don’t try and understand because you can’t even begin to unless you have experienced it yourself. What you can offer is your unconditional love and support.
We each are Divine in our own way, however sometimes we just don’t see it.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ms. Anita Man

Hello Ms. Anita Man! Why what a truly unexpected and lovely surprise(Moi’s eyes rolling) it is! What does one do the honor of your call?

Well Divine, I am calling you because I so desperately need your expertise, your unbridled passion for success, design, buzz and…well to be very frank, your divineness! I realize this, I mean that I am the last person you expected to call you today, but you are the only one that can help me!
And how is it Moi can help you?

Before Moi continues this tale, I must share another tale with you. A tale of promise, hope, and the chance for a brilliant future. Sadly though it did all happen in that order. “Picture It” the year is 2005 and Moi is out walking in my red fleece and feather boa jumpsuit. I am making good time walking off my booty when I happen to stumble upon a new salon and spa. Immediately I am attracted to the lovely façade and as I peer into the windows I am entranced by its beauty. So I decided to enter the building.

Walking into that doorway changed Moi, how I see people, how I view others’ motives, making me realize that I was designed for greater things.

Moi stayed for 2 years and then one day I woke up and knew it was time for me to move forward. A lot had happened, a lot had changed. More then anyone knew.

Hello, Ms. Anita Man, How can Moi help you exactly?

Divine…you need to come back and save my business, you need to weave your magical web! Please, oh please come back and do it one more time?

Long story short, Moi has listened to the cries, pleas, the flattery and I have decided to return to where it all happened, where everything changed for Moi. This time it is on my terms, this time the stakes are higher and boy do I have plans and surprises for everyone!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Habit Forming Twister Of A Time!

Moi is sure you are wondering “What in the hell has happened to Moi?” well let me tell you quickly…

Since my return back to the Great Midwest, Moi has taken to walking 5 miles a day, spending time with my 3 adorable nephews, getting massages from big strong men with bulges everywhere, and I do mean everywhere! After which they bathe Moi and then my dress maids pick out which fluffy robe to wear for my facial and then I soak in a whirlpool as the men again come to feed me.

After my morning rituals are completed Moi then will go shopping for fresh produce, meet with MiMi, Jolene, or Tulips for lunch and much needed talk time! Why just the other day I was with Tulips and we were outside sitting at a local bistro enjoying the sunshine, mimosa’s, salads, and being oddly entertained by some mimes. Who of which were dressed in black and had big red flowers placed perfectly over their manhood. And the female mimes had one on each of their ever so perky tata’s! They were very good, and sure got our attention, especially the one that fell into the manhole on the street! Poor guy, never saw it coming. He survived the ordeal but unfortunately he lost his flower.

A few days after that scene, Moi was enjoying a lazy morning in my canopy covered pillow top bed where I laid in golden lame with just enough sunlight to make my skin sparkle as if I were a Twilight vampire! As Moi laid there relishing in my thoughts of the previous evening and how magical it was. The intenseness, the heat, how invigorating it felt, how just the mere idea of it made Moi wet and forced my heart to beat rapidly like wild fire, and my loins grew hard, and my back arced itself into a frenzy! Moi is still reeling from the wild night of playing Twister with the local Nuns! I just hope Moi “does not make a habit out of this?!” HAHA!
Anwho, while I laid there thinking about all those Nuns the phone rang!

Moi answers the call “Hello this is Divine Man, who the hell are you?” a familiar voice from the past replies with, this is Sara a.k.a. Anita Man!

To Be Continued…

Friday, June 3, 2011

Moi's Newest Theme Song: You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me!

This song, "You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me" was sung my Cher in the 2010 movie Burlesque. This song is about me, about my pain, my inner strength, that flame that just won't burn out and blow away like smoke. There is something in life that is just for me, something that I am suppose to do, a purpose for all the pain I have endured. My blog is a platform for me to share my life with the world.

To let people know that they are not the only child that has been molested, nor the only one with depression, or the only one who wants to just give up when times are really bad. To entertain the world with my humor, my light in the darkness, my white jackie-o's and red boa, the wacky situations I find myself getting into along this journey. Or the wild love affairs, the moments that are treasured, frozen in time and placed safely in a locked box. My heart. My heart is so full of love, pain, sadness, inspiration, strength, sometimes even a bit of lust. I mean who would I be if Moi was not lustful? you would not tune in every week for the next chapter of The Misadventures Of A Divine Man.

If you have not heard this song, or seen the movie you really need to. But if you have not, read the following words when you have a moment to relax, reflect, and really take them in. Music always seems to speak the words one can not. Not that Moi has ever had any trouble speaking, but sometimes songs can speak volumes.

Feeling broken
Barely holding on
But there’s just something so strong
Somewhere inside me
And I am down but I’ll get up again
Don’t count me out just yet

I’ve been brought down to my knees
And I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven’t seen the last of me
You haven’t seen the last of me

They can say that
I won’t stay around
But I’m gonna stand my ground
You’re not gonna stop me
You don’t know me
You don’t know who I am
Don’t count me out so fast

I’ve been brought down to my knees
And I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven’t seen the last of me

There will be no fade out
This is not the end
I’m down now
But I’ll be standing tall again
Times are hard but
I was built tough
I’m gonna show you all what I’m made of

I’ve been brought down to my knees
And I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
I am far from over
You haven’t seen the last of me
No no
I’m not going nowhere
I’m staying right here

Oh no
You won’t see me begging
I’m not taking my bow
Can’t stop me
It’s not the end
You haven’t seen the last of me
Oh no
You haven’t seen the last of me
You haven’t seen the last of me


Kiss, Kiss!  Moi!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Moi's Not-So-Spring Fling In The Midwest!

What Moi has learned, seen, and even experienced while being in Small Town America: The Great Midwest!
After 2 long never ending days on the road leaving paradise Moi, Diva Girl and Brady arrive in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. Tulips, Big Daddy and their ox like dogs are all very excited to see us. The next morning finds me awakened my the intense pressure of my bladder screaming at me to get up and empty the contents of it. Once the pressure has been released Moi makes my way back into my bedroom. Where I lay down and snuggle into my blankets only to feel the urge to go to the bathroom again, and again, and again. It seems I must have a bladder infection?

Brady drives Moi to the clinic where I am forced to urinate into a sterile Dixie cup and awaits the results. Finally after what seems like hours, the nurse comes to collect me and takes to the Doctors exam room. Here I wait another 20 minutes for the this quack of a Doctor with short graying hair, and she introduces herself to me as: Doctor Hinderslapassson. I can tell she likes to go to the “Pink Oyster Bar” on her time off. Anyways, she begins to tell Moi that the tests are negative, but I should be checked for STD’s. As you can imagine, I stood up and looked down at the pink v-loving quack and replied with: Don’t you have to have sexual relations to get the clap?

Needless to say those results came back negative as well.

The next week found me attending professional meetings, interviews, and frolicking with Jolene of the Glam Clam, Mimi, and my family. Moi soon discovered yet again that I am just to divine for the likes of the establishments and companies that I interviewed at. And you know, they each told me the same things: We will call you next week…make it mid week and tell you our decision. Tell me how professional is it to never make that phone call to the candidates? I would say that is tacky, unprofessional, and they are not worthy of Moi. I have more to say on this topic, but that will have to wait for another day.

The last 2 weeks have been filled with a lot of action, suspense, murder and mayhem, and a touch of romance. First there was the season finale of Castle which left millions of viewers wondering…will Kate Beckett live or die? Then there was the episode that was filled with fireworks, backbone and lust. That was The Good Wife, Moi has to add here that it is not easy always being The Good Wife, I know. HA! Then Law & Order struck with bullets flying, Nuns dying, and terror in the squad room. But leave it to Bones to entertain us with the arrival of Angela and Hoggins baby. And the last second of the show when Bones tells Booth that she is preggers!

My week concluded with the explosive 2 hour finale of The Mentalist. WOW!

After a 2 week hiatus of Moi’s shows, thankfully all my favorites are starting back soon. The Closer, White Collar, Burn Notice, Rizzoli & Isles, and a few others. It will make for a fiery summer, filling the lonely nights with excitement and tension.

What I need is something to occupy my mind, time and hours that I have open. Perhaps a job hosting, or in sales, maybe in a deli? Whatever happens will be…