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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Single Person's Guide to Surviving As A Free Agent!

Are you a single person? And what do you think of it?

Being single is sometimes by choice, and then it is sometimes just the way it is. Like for example Moi is single, divine, devastatingly beautiful, sinful, perfect, the kind of person men and women only dream about. Oh as must not forget intelligent, has the body of a god, the kind of hands and mouth that haunts your wildest dreams. Did I say Divine?

Anywho being single is not it is all cracked up to be. Most people(including married ones) think that single is the new married. Alot of people think that being single is all supreme. In a number of ways it is, such as: no one can tell you what to do, or not do. If you are a guy and urinate in the toilet you can leave the seat up. Or if you are female and “your friend” visits and all you feel like doing is screaming and eating, you can without guilt. If you are a gay male being single can be fun to go and do whoever you want whenever you want, or dressing fabulous(unless you are a redneck gay male), or falling in love with your sisters’ BF which can be sticky, or when you are in a dressing room trying out sexy clothes and your friends all tell you “oh honnie, you look fab!” when really your ass looks rather large. No wait, I know, when you are a single creature and you are sitting alone in the john and wonder “my shit don’t stink! why am I single?”

All of us single folk know the reality of the “single life” and what it truly is like.

Being single is just as hard as being married. But on different levels. For example: people, like parents and friends always assume you are free with nothing to do other then baby-sit for them. Watch their dogs, entertain their friends, enjoy being setup on blind dates, look forward to going to buffets, talking on the phone for hours and hours, and my personal favorite: well you having nothing g better to do, you need to come grocery shopping with your Mom and Dad on a Friday night!

Everyone just assumes being single is great! Well the truth is a bit disturbing. Stay tuned for more on “The Single Person’s Guide To Surviving Life As A Free Agent!”

Are you single? Please share your stories with Moi.

Email Moi at:

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