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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Demons Of Our Past

Moi has a friend that is living a life full of demons, demons that are slowly eating at her, sucking everything out of her soul, heart and mind. Everything that was once vibrant, sharp, beautiful and dynamic. She has turned to beer(a lot of it) to numb the pain, the sorrow, the loneliness, and to try and escape the demons that continue to haunt her.

Moi has faced a lot of pain in my life, and sorrow, more then anyone should ever have to endure. Somehow I have gotten through it? I got through it all because I looked into myself and found the strength I needed. They say what hurts us, makes us stronger. Underneath pain is strength.

I realized today that Moi’s friend has not found her own strength, she is tired, exhausted from the fight. She has turned to drinking and does not know anything else right now. She was raped and beaten as a child by a step-father. Eventually she got married to a man that was verbally abusive and divorced him shortly after having a girl. Since then she has dated loser after loser. This has kept her from flourishing into a happy and healthy individual.

Speaking as a survivor of molestation as a child, having my life ripped apart without my consent, being betrayed deeply in relationships, which all manifested into depression and almost took my life. However, I was not ready to give up, to give into the despair of the darkness. I have to much to do, and I truly feel my friend does as well.
If you or someone you know and love is hurting, struggling or battling demons of the past…reach out to that person. Don’t try and understand because you can’t even begin to unless you have experienced it yourself. What you can offer is your unconditional love and support.
We each are Divine in our own way, however sometimes we just don’t see it.

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