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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Holiday Traditions: Rocky's, Sausages and Boozie Woozie's!

Every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas Moi and Co. have traditions that are a must to experience!  I feel it is greatly important have them, whether that be 1 or 20!  

Here are some of mine:

Tulips and Moi always have an evening of shopping and Rocky Rococo Pizza.  We only do this in December.  We shop, laugh, eat, shop, laugh…

Every year the week leading up to Christmas, Big Daddy, the Bro, and Moi get together to make home-made stuffed Italian sausages.  We have a grinder, have fresh casings.  Can you imagine Moi stuffing those big, plump, and juicy sausages?  It is a trip!  Big Daddy has been doing this since he was a child with his Dad and Co.

Each year Moi watches: Santa Clause, The Movie.

Of course no holiday would be as merry without the proper libations…
Egg Nog
Tom n’ Jerry’s
Butter Balls

It is a must to drive through the local park to see all the lovely holiday lights and displays.

After which we go to the Eagles Club and try to win the “Boozie Woozie”

Moi has had a lot of wonderful memories of Christmas pasts, and some not so good ones as well, but one thing always remains true…family, love, laughter, and great food! 

Happy Holidays!

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