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Monday, February 28, 2011

Love Is Knocking!

If love knocked on your door, would you answer?

So many of us never ever know what real love is. So many of us want just a small piece of what others have. LOVE. To get a glimpse of it as it passes us by, or walks into our live only to let it walk out. So many of us have love, true love, great love, even once in a lifetime love. And yet most times we never even see what is right in front of us. Or next to us.

Do you ever wonder or ask yourself “when will I finally know true love?”

There are so many tips and articles created about love. What signs to look for that he/she loves you. The do’s and don’ts, the gestures, words, looks, and the body language. So many of us read all this stuff in hopes of learning the newest step or way to get that much closer to finding it, finding love.

What kind of love do most of us seek and desire? It is love from a parent, acceptance, love from one friend to another? Love among families, relatives, children, or the one and only love from another man or woman to your heart.

Moi thinks and feels that true love is unexpected, that it can start out wild and hot, or slow and steady, sometimes it is painful, scared, shy, untrusting, and ever changing. It is without a doubt the most powerful of all elements that reside in the inner most chambers of the heart.

We don’t choose who we will love, we don’t get to choose our desires, our wants or needs. That is all pre-destined for us and it is up to fate to find the other half of our heart.

My dear friend MiMi has wondered for more then 25 years what it would have been like if she and her true love Darren had been able to be in the right place at the right time in their lives, would they be together now? Or would my Mother, Tulips have been with her young handsome pilot, had she waited for him to return from war? Would Moi even be here then?

What is love? Are there conditions on it, are there strings attached? No there should not be either. Love is a rare gift that happens between 2 hearts, 2 souls. And no one should ever stand in the way of that. For to live without love, is to live in solitude for all eternity.

Moi has truly loved in life, I have loved more then one, but on different levels, for different reasons. Love takes all shapes, sizes, colors, it has no boundaries, or territories. Love can happen between a man and a woman, a man and a man, woman to woman, black to white, tall to short, etc…

We have no right to decide who should love who, we have no right to deny the rights of couples, or to live as they want too? We have no right to judge others.

To be blunt: it is no ones dam business. The next time you have love knock on your door, don’t slam the door in the face of love, let it in, embrace it, no matter what form it comes in.

Open your door to love, it only takes one knock! ANSWER IT!

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