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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trailer Park Benedict

Do you enjoy creating in the kitchen? If so write to me and tell Moi a recipe that you invented.
Just this morning while wandering through my adorable kitchen, I became inspired to make an open-faced breakfast sandwich. Moi decided to name this the: Trailer Park Benedict!


1 egg
1 slice of whole wheat toast
1 slice of low sodium American Cheese, or Greek, Japanese, German, Italian, Slovenian….get the point? Whatever you have in stock.
1 slab of deli sliced oven roasted chicken

1 can/carton of mushrooms
½ of sweet onion, sliced and chopped
1/3 cup of white wine(whatever is leftover from last night)
A tablespoon of minced garlic
Cracked peppercorn
And a table spoon of butter, or if you prefer lard! Heheee! LOL!!!!

Mix these up in a sauté pan and brown the mushroom mixture, you can cook this on a 5/7 depending on what your range top says, or on medium. Simmer until your egg is cooked! HAHA!!! LMAO!!!!!
Line the pan with olive oil, virgin if you can find any, let’s face it, there are not to many of those around!
Crack open the egg and sprinkle with peppercorn.

Let it whiten up, and then flip it. You only want to cook it enough so that the white is not slimy(unless you like that)
Drop your whole wheat in the toaster
Once the toast is done, lather it up with some butter
Lay the cheese on it, followed by the deli chicken
Then the egg
Top off the open faced sandwich with your winey mushroom and onion mixture. Smother it!

Serve on a trash can lid if you like, or just a plate. Paper or China, your choice!

And enjoy as the juices from the winey mushrooms and onions explode in your wet mouth and bounce off the egg as it oozes together with the refreshing taste of cheese provocated by the oven roasted deli chicken.
And as you sit there looking like trailer trash, with drippins and spillins all over your face and shirt(unless you are naked) you will feel like the king or queen of the park!


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