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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Have you ever been in love? I mean really ever truly loved someone so intensely that it makes you heart beater faster? And makes you lay awake all night thinking about that one person who fills your mind and thoughts with visions of lust, warm feelings that make you tingle inside? Or makes you beam with light and you walk around with a silly expression and everyone just assumes it is because you have had incredible sex, when infact you have not, you just are in love?

Divine Man has been in love. Yes, I have been in love so deeply that it made me do some really brainless things and some really wonderful acts.

It also has torn my heart out and has left it in desperate need of repair.
I have many questions as most do, and I know you think I have all the answers and I usually do. However when it comes to love and relationships all I can do is give my opinion and share my experiences.

I recently received a comment from a Follower, it reads:

Dear Divine Man, you are inspiring and completely hilarious! I look forward each and every day I get to read your blog of all your Misadventures. You say it the way it is. So I seek your advice.Dear Attracting All The Losers In Florida,
I am middle aged, professional, and consider myself to be outgoing and social. I am a professional and have been divorced for a number of years. I have 3 sons all of whom are living out on their own.
In appearance I am attractive, no old maid. I am curvy and clean up rather nicely. I can slug it and I can dress to the nines. Do enjoy many different activities and interests.

My question is: I seem to attract men that are either still married and are looking to cheat, jobless, live with their Mothers, have an addiction to drugs, gambling, alcohol or sex. Now I could handle the sex because I do enjoy it. But what is my problem? The last man I dated was handsome, outgoing and enjoyed his pain killers more then he did me. And the guy before that was seeing me and his ex-wife.
What am I doing wrong? Please help me Divine Man.
Attracting all the losers In Florida!

I am gonna tell you what I told an old friend( and when I say old…she was long in the tooth).
She was outgoing, professional and a lovely woman. Yet she would date losers, OMG some of them were losers. One man wanted to date her and have sex to know whether or not if he was gay or straight. Then once she met this guy, a co-worker whom she was so very much in lust with. He was married for the 3rd or 4th time and wanted her. Let’s just say, they “played” and enjoyed each other until she realized she disserved better.

Oh wait I have to tell you one more example: she started seeing this one guy who asked her on the 4th date if it would be an issue for her if he had “the clap” or that he had herpes? She asked how many women he has slept with and he told her 350 women and men. Now I like getting gifts from dates, but not the one that keeps on giving!

My advice is: Take a look in the mirror and tell yourself “I am better then these losers” and then look at your wardrobe, and where you are going to meet these losers. And if you are doing the “internet dating thing” just know that people tend to lie online and most are game players. I know, I have conversed online once or twice ….ok maybe 4 times, ok ok let’s just say I have tried the internet dating thing a few to many times.

Also, maybe you need to make a list of likes and dislikes. What do you appreciate in another? Interests, hobbies, values, and where do you want to meet someone. Instead of the same ole’ haunts, look outside the box. Expand your interests and at the same time you will be learning something new and going to new places.

See when Moi wants to meet someone I ask people I know if they can introduce me to a friend or someone they know. Just don’t try the blind date thing especially when you are constipated! It can be explosive!
Just be your Divine Self and detour around the losers! There is someone out there that is equal to you!

If anyone wants to write me, seek advice or offer advice, tips, stories, etc.

Email me at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that "love" is that elusive element in life. Rather hard to define yet something everyone is looking for and trying to capture.
Your advice to the lady is very appropriate...take another look and seek other means/ways to find someone.