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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Day Is It?

I can not believe I forgot that yesterday was Tuesday. I feel just awful, and when Divine Man feels awful, well it is HIGH DRAMA! I want to apologize for being obviously out of my mind. Maybe it was from the long holiday weekend? Maybe it was because I was still feeling the afterglow from a wonderful weekend/long much needed overdue mini-vacation?

Now what you are going to read will shock you, maybe even make you laugh at the idea.

I spent last Thursday-Tuesday in the woods! Yes in the woods in a cabin. With the ticks, blood suckers, weeds, and I loved it! Although I must say in order to make this weekend work with my wardrobe I had to go down to the local thrift shop and find moi some flannels, hiking boots and overhauls.

So I came home with all my findings and preceded to cut and sew after a few minor adjustments. For example: I decided that if I were to get stranded in the woods I would want to be found my the search plane…so I attached red, silver and blue sequins all over the overalls that was I cut short, in case I meet someone out in the woods.

Then made a bandana out of one of my flannels and a matching man-purse. And last but not least I figured that if I was found dead after being bitten by rattle snakes or by mountain men(which normally I would be excited to meet) with big knives I thought I better make sure that I can be identified so I hand sewn my name “D-I-V-I-N-E M-A-N onto all my underwear with sequins, and was kinda difficult to do that on my thongs. But Divine Man did it!

So, I arrive at the cabin with my best friend and my pooch “Diva Girl” at 1:00pm. It was almost like that scene in Snow White when she discovers the cabin in the glade with the sun shining down through the tall pine, but this was minus the sun, and all the lonely little men that liked collecting gems. It was kinda rainy, overcast, but once I stepped out of my rig and onto the dirt, the sun came out! Guess wherever I go I bring sunshine or maybe it was the reflection of my sequined overalls?

Anyways, we get settled in, unpack, and prepare for an adventure filled weekend in the woods with bloodsuckers, horny mountain type men, and the peace and quiet!

So no matter where you go, you can always be you’re DIVINE SELF!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW...what a woodiest experience, sequens (sparkling of course) and and all...can't wait til your next excursion into the wild!