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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No Undies, No Plane!

Moi always says: It is all in the approach! Whenever we face different situations along our path, on this great journey we all are on.

Moi has been bestowed with a rare gift. The gift of unique approaches, especially with children, students and mature men. Moi has noticed that, well let’s use parents with young children for example.

Recently I attended my nephews Christmas Church Pageant. My Godson Brandon was the Narrator in the show. He is 9, and a unique young boy. Naturally he is known as “Divine Jr” and a star in the making. Anyways, Moi arrives at the church early and notices Brandon running from the worship center, looking rather upset with his mother in tow. So Moi follows and arrives at the men’s restroom only to find my sister in law Evita outside of it with red flannel pj’s. She tells me Brandon is inside and is mad and won’t change into his pj’s. Moi of course being the genius I am says: step aside, I will handle this!
So Moi enters the restroom and I find my Godson sitting in the first stall and he seems upset. So I ask him…Hey buddy, are you ok? Are you excited or nervous about the show? He replies with: no I am not nervous, I just don’t want to wear the pj’s. Ok, I say, well I am surprised you don’t want to wear them given Moi gave them to you last Christmas. But hey, you don’t have to wear them if you don’t want to. Guess what…I have to share with you something that happened to Moi recently. Well, when Moi got to the Tampa airport on Wednesday and claimed my ticket for boarding. As I walked away from the ticket counter Moi glanced at the ticket and read the following words: You must have underwear on in order to board the plane.

Well you can imagine my horror and surprise given that Moi never wears any. So I had to search the airport for a shop that sold undies. I finally found a shop that did and so I bought a pair. Of course they were 2 sizes too small, but I had no choice. I had to buy them or no plane ride. And what do you think riding on a plane in a seat that is cramped wearing really small undies was like for me? I was constantly grabbing myself trying to re-arrange myself for 2.5 hours. Well I will tell you. It was awful, but I did it because I was instructed to do so. You see buddy sometimes we all have to do things, or wear something that we don’t want to, but we have to do it regardless, because as they say in show business…the show must go on.

And with that Brandon understood what Moi was saying. And he changed into his pj’s. And proceeded to do a perfect performance as the Narrator!

He later told me: thank you! And then Evita asked me how I got him to wear the pj’s. I told her: it is all in the approach.

Next time you need to resolve a situation…think of how you can or will approach it first. Remember put yourself into the other person’s shoes.

I am Divine, it is awesome being Moi!

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