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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Holiday Afterglow!

Black Friday. What makes it black? Is it the fact that everyone including their mother comes out in full force to bring terror to the minds of all retail workers everywhere? Moi decided to forego the pleasure of waiting in line for hours before the gates opened only to allow all that…well…insanity to pour in. No, Moi did not go out and risk breaking a nail. I have my peeps to do that for Moi!

Instead my Black Friday was rather quiet. After Moi arose from my boudoir’ all refreshed from a rather enjoyable nights rest and perfect dreams I entered the kitchen. Still wearing my leather skinned Thanksgiving themed outfit(loin cloth), feather headdress hanging off to one side of my head, tribal paint smeared on various parts of Moi’s irresistible body. As I look back over my shoulder Moi’s perky lips begin to grow from ear to ear recalling my unexpected “Thanksgiving Gift” that arrived in the form of a certain “Good Looking One” from Disney World! The sight of seeing this figure laying unclothed in Moi’s chambers beneath my 650 Egyptian Cotton thread count sheets while the ceiling fan spins lazily around filtering the lasting lingering aromas of love in the room.

Moi is now a “firm” believer in “Make A Wish” and “It Will Come True.”

After the “Good Looking One” leaves Moi and parts with a very intense passionate kiss and asks to take Moi out to dinner this weekend I decide to make this paradise a bit like “home” and so I start to filter through all my fabulous designs looking and seeking out a bit of inspiration. And naturally Moi finds it!
Last year(Christmas 2009) while still in my palace I designed a room fit for a Queen. Like Moi! Let me describe the room’s décor to you: The Living Room walls were painted with 2 shades of gold with a metallic golden sheen applied as a top coat, the crown molding was metallic gold, and the ceiling was ivory with a frame of gold leafing with a marbleizing faux finish. The room was all aglow with amber lights, clear holiday lights, with gold, bronze, champagne, and crystal ornaments with rich velvet ribbons to create a warm and truly opulent environment appropriate for royalty.

Moi has decided to re-create this room with a tropical twist and some more modern holiday floral pieces to accentuate the tree.

Moi has always loved decorating for the holidays…Halloween, Christmas, and Easter/Spring. And of course there is Divine Man Day! Which should be a legalized holiday!

Happy Home Trimming! Seasons Greetings!

Remember YOU are DIVINE! Well almost as divine as MOI!


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